In The News2020-06-22T17:20:30-04:00



October 2018

VA Announces Milestone in Modernizing Veterans’ Claims Processing

October 27th, 2018|

The Department of Veterans Affairs announced this week that it has achieved a milestone in moving from its old paper records processing system to a new electronic one designed to expedite the claims decision process for veterans

These veterans are questioning Amy McGrath’s military record. Here’s what she did.

October 21st, 2018|

As Election Day nears in her nationally-watched race against U.S. Rep. Andy Barr, R-Lexington, a handful of veterans in the 19-county district are using conservative talk radio and letters to the editor to accuse McGrath of misrepresenting her role in combat missions.

Army Veteran Wages War on Social-Media Disinformation

October 20th, 2018|

Mr. Goldsmith, a 33-year-old Army veteran, sent Facebook what he thought was a straightforward request to take down the bogus page. At first, Facebook told him to try to work it out with the authors of the fake page, whom he was never able to track down. Then, after two months, Facebook deleted it.

Democrats Are Ignoring One Key Voting Group: Veterans

October 17th, 2018|

With control of Congress at stake in next month’s midterm elections, Democrats have a rare opportunity to gain a foothold against President Trump’s Republican Party. But if they come up short, it may be in part because of a failure to pursue a key group of voters.

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